Eggs have a Multiplicity of Benedictions for Healthy Living

eggs-have-a-multiplicity-of-benedictions-for-healthy-livingMany consumers and experts had a great concern over the pros and cons of consuming eggs.  For a long time eggs were smeared by most of the health experts and scientists because of the concerns over the excess cholesterol and the increased chance of coronary disease caused due to consumption of eggs.  With the help of several media campaigns and research it was found that eggs are beneficial for health and can be consumed in a required quantity for a healthy lifestyle.

What are the advantages of consuming eggs?

  • Eggs give a quantity of heart-healthy nutrients, including folate, vitamins E and B12 that are essential for proper functioning of the nerves, omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids and also the antioxidant lutein, that is vital to keep a healthy eye sight.
  • Although it used to be believed that eggs raised levels of cholesterol, scientists now worry much more about how saturated fats and Trans fat that bring about elevated blood cholesterol.
  •  A sizable egg contains only 1.5 grams of saturated fats, insufficient to result in a spike in levels of cholesterol in many healthy people (individuals with diagnosed cholesterol issues should still avoid eating a lot of eggs).
  • Actually, a new study shows that the nutrients in eggs may bring about good heart health insurance and this benefit outweighs any cholesterol concerns for most of us.
  •  Eggs are also rich in choline that reduces the saturation of fats in the liver and are also well active for repairing some types of neurological damage.
  • According to a few studies, consumption of eggs also reduces the chances of strokes, blood clots and heart attacks.
  • Eggs are also known for preventing breast cancer  by 44% for women who consume at least 6 eggs per week
  • Eggs contains high amount of sulphur content  and a wide assortment of mineral and vitamins that are essential  to preserve healthy nails and  healthy hair.

Buy eggs only when they’re inside a refrigerated case; open the carton to make sure that the eggs are neat and the shells intact. Eggshell color is dependent upon the variety of hen, but nutrients and flavor offer a similar experience across all breeds.


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