November 14 is World Diabetes Day: What you need to know?

Diabetes is the seventh most leading cause of death amongst people all over the world. Today, there are millions of males, females and even children who are suffering from diabetes. World Diabetes Day (WDD) is a primary global awareness campaign which happens every year in the month of November. This campaign led under the supervision of International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is a movement that is aimed to create awareness amongst people regarding diabetes, which has of late posed as an escalating health threat.

Understanding Diabetes:

Diabetes is a syndrome which happens due to disordered metabolism.  Diabetes is caused due to the rise in the glucose level in the body.  Generally insulin is used to provide energy to the body. When the body does not make use of insulin, it causes the blood glucose level to rise, which in turn leads to diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes-

Diabetes symptoms include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive thirst
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Dramatic changes in weight are some of the symptoms of a diabetic individual

Signs of Diabetes

If you are experiencing tingling in feet or hands, change in vision, dry skin, slow healing of minor scratches or wounds then these are some of the signs that may indicate high or low blood sugar level causing diabetes.

Tips to manage diabetes-

Diabetes can happen due to hereditary or lifestyle changes in this 21st century. Diabetes cannot be cured completely but it can be prevented by doing exercises daily, and by controlling diet.

Following are some ways to manage diabetes:


Choose those foods that are rich in nutrition, and low in fats and calorie. A diabetic individual does not need special foods. All he needs to do is:

  • Say no to fatty food stuffs
  • Choose foods rich or high in fiber such as beans, vegetables
  • Reduce salt intake in excess
  • Reduce carb intake, if suffering from Type I diabetes.
  • Keep a control on calorie intake. This will help to maintain blood sugar level.


Sedentary lifestyles such as lack of physical activity and alcohol are some of the prime reasons of causing diabetes in young as well as old people. Exercise can be the best way to maintain blood glucose level. An individual suffering from diabetes should aim to dedicate at least 30 to 40 minutes of physical activity in order to remain fit and active.

Monitoring blood sugar and regular check-ups-

Daily monitoring of the blood sugar level is a must. All one you need to do is record the glucose level before and after food.  A diabetic individual also needs to visit a health care centre at least once a year and get some tests done, which may be helpful in keeping a check on blood sugar level. In fact along with yearly check-ups, even frequent visit to the doctor should be made in order to check whether the sugar levels are normal or not.

If an individual experiences any of the above mentioned symptoms, the best way to confirm about diabetes would be by seeking for doctor’s advice and performing a blood test. Based on the result, if you are diabetic the doctor may suggest the right treatment and diet that can help in maintaining the level of glucose in the body.

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