Know your Body Shape and Target on Desired Look

A perfect and beautiful body is every womens’ desire; it has been a common sight that a woman with a huge or plump body is always low at confidence and self esteem. A woman with a perfect body is confident. No doubt that a person’s fitness reflects its personality and is mostly judged upon it. Every individual wants to look beautiful and this fact is supported by the impressive growth of the industry that sells beauty products and caters fitness programs. Attractive and glamorous pictures of models and celebrities make women keen to have a body just like them. Thus, women always look for health tips and diet plans; in fact every woman follows some kind of diet plan. Before, following any diet plan it is essential for an individual to know the different type of body figures and shapes that can help to choose a proper diet plan and the workout target. While, people like to argue about the number of molds that femininity like to pour it into. There are four different shapes that can help you classify in the type according to your shape.

The Pear: The pear shape body is a common body shape that a woman can relate to; this body shape is named after the fruit, pear because just like the fruit a woman with a pear shaped body has a slender top with small shoulders and thin arms. The women with pear body shape have a prominent lower region with the hips bearing most of the weight; sometimes the lower waist may also be prominent. The best example of such pears shaped is Hilary Clinton.

The Apple: Women who bear an apple shaped body are round and tend to have a large midsection or chest, just like the rosy round fruit. Women with such body shape are more prone in fact most of them face severe back pain due to heavy chest and midsection. It is a difficult task to reduce the midsection and chest fat unless strict diet plans are followed.  The best example of a pear shaped body is comedian Roseanne.

The Hour Glass: Hour glass is the perfect body shape a woman can have. In this kind of body shape your full hip-line and bust-line are of the same width, due to which your waist is well defined. It is a balanced shape between pear and apple. Women bearing hour glass body shape has distinct shoulders and curvy hips. Scarlett Johansson is the best example of classic hour glass body shape.

The Ruler: This kind of body shape lacks curve and have a straight plank like figure. Bust line and hip line are of the same width with little waist definition. Legs and arms look proportionally long and slender and a flat bottom.

Every shape has distinct features but the only thing that is common, is that extra weight in prominent regions can damage your body look. To maintain a proper and ideal shape that you desire, it is important to know what your body shape is so that the problem areas can be targeted. Accepting your particular body shape and using good nutrition and diet plan and exercise is important for both being healthy and looking your best.

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