Live Youthful Life with Home Remedies for Joint Pain

As the age increases and body gets older, you will start to notice that your ability to perform activities that you once did in younger age has reduced, and you start experiencing pains in several joints such as in the hip, knee, shoulder, elbow and ankle. Joint pain can occur with or without the movement of the body and can be severe enough to limit movement. Joint pains sometimes cause excessive pain that an individual finds it extremely difficult to bear. The degree of severity of pain may vary from mild ache to debilitating chronic pain. Many people may describe joint pain as discomfort, inflammation, increased warmth or burning, soreness, stiffness or just tremendous pain. Joint pain is very common as you reach your old age, but it does not mean that you cannot enjoy your life, being more health conscious with the help of supplements and different exercises can be beneficial to reduce pain. Joint pain does not occur naturally, there are certain reasons that may lead to its occurrence.

Joint pain can be due to several causes and treatments depending upon the cause of the pain, such as arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, infectious disease like influenza, measles, rheumatic fever, hepatitis, and mumps and other autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.  If you experience a sudden joint pain with loss of mobility, contact a medical professional as soon as possible. Early treatment and diagnosis can minimize the discomfort and reduce the risk of serious complications.

There are certain healthy and home remedies to control joint pain, they are as follows:

  • Before going to bed apply some ointment on the affected area everyday because usually joint pain is felt more in the morning.
  • Apply eucalyptus oil where the pain is felt, steam the affected area or dip a towel in boiling water, rinse out the water and tie the towel to the affected area. This is the best home remedy if you are experiencing joint pain.
  • Simple exercise in yoga, cycling, swimming, walking etc can control the pain. It should be noted that the exercises are simple and should not over exert.
  • Performing exercise standing in chest level water also helps in reducing the pain.
  • Proper pressure should be maintained while doing any physical activity such as sitting, walking and lying down.
  • If you are overweight or obese, you should first reduce your weight because heavy weight is responsible for several joint pains in the body.
  • Cod liver oil has proved to be very beneficial to health and reduce pain. Have one tea spoon of cod liver oil every day and stick to the one teaspoon measure.
  • Avoid the use of medications such as pain killers especially those containing narcotic and sleeping tablets.
  • Cut lemon into small pieces and fry them in gingelly oil put the pieces in clean cloth and tie it. apply this warm pack t the affected area
  • Boil tamarind leaf in water adding salt; keep pouring the liquid to the affected area. This helps to reduce pain to a major extent.

“Every problem has a solution” is a well said statement, therefore if you have any health related problem and kind of pain it has a solution if followed religiously and if care is taken.

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