10 quick tips to loose fat

Looking good is every woman’s birth right. You love your body and want to keep it fit and beautiful. Who loves that bulgy waistline? But you can’t always be sixteen and life gets stressful once you start working and have a family to look after. But that is no excuse to look fat and ugly. Loosing those extra pounds needs determination more than anything else. So get moving now.

Here is a wonderful quick guide to weight loss for women who want to loose weight this summer. You can aim to loose 10-15-20 pounds, 3-5 inches off your belly and skyrocket your energy levels this summer. Get into action now to wear your bikini for with confidence.

Top 10 Summer Fat Loss Tips  weight loss tips

1. Plan out your work out and work out your plan
Make sure you chalk out a plan and then work it out without any breaks.

2. Don’t check your weighing scale everyday
Get rid of the scale! Weighing everyday can sabotage your plan and discourage you.

3. Get social support
It will be a lot easier if you have somebody to cheer you on. Working out with pals helps and group workout is great.

4. Scribble it down in your dairy
Maintaining a detailed journal is very important. You will know what you eat and how much you work out.

5. Be positive.
It’s impossible to maintain a strict regime for a weight loss plan. Sometimes you have a bad day; just forgive yourself and move on.

6. Regularity
Be consistent in following your diet, and workouts. Get back on track even if even if you fell off one day.

7. Be smart and keep off unhealthy food
Keep off unhealthy food and stick to supportive food all the time. Eat enough of nutritional food according to your diet.

8. Keep learning
Never think you know it all or you know better, because you will always find new things. Make sure you keep updating yourself on the latest findings.

9. Find inspiration all the time
There is so much to get inspiration from. Try to absorb from everywhere; internet, books, personal teachers or even a good DVD. Get yourself secured with a good support system, involve everybody in your goals, get constant encouragement, collect good quotes, create inspiring vision boards, make a complete list of your goals that really give you motivation and read it often.

10. Take it one day at a time
A 3 month or 12 week plan seems too long but if you take it as a day by day challenge, time flies!

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