Eat lots of fruit and vegetable salads this summer

I love the spring and summer season coz I am very much the outdoors person and I think this is the real fun season with lots of barbecues, pool parties, and picnics. It is the warmest of all seasons and has the shortest nights and longest days; so you can plan to do a lot of fun things and take advantage of the long sultry days. There is nothing more pleasant than sitting idly on the beach and sipping your favorite fruit juice. There are some lovely summer specific fruits you can use to beat the heat and comfort yourself. So why not enjoy and indulge in salads and juices and a host of summer borne vegetables. And you would be happy to know that salads help in weight management and give you a glowing skin, good inner health and fine living.

Of course summer fruits and vegetables are appetizing; however they are around for a short span of time. Some of the vegetables and fruits freeze well so you can use them for the darker days. For instance, the blackcurrants can be stored and had over the next few months. But nothing can beat the taste of fresh food. If your taste buds love fresh food, you should enjoy them in their freshest and youngest.

Here are a few good reasons why you should gorge salads.

Salads are versatile
You can make delicious salads from fruits because fresh fruits make salads palatable, refreshing and healthy. Salads are versatile; you can serve them at any meal. In fact you can also have them as appetizers or starters, side salad to accompany a meal, or as the main salad.
You can also serve salads as the main dish or entree, or if you love fruits at the end of the meal, use it as a dessert salad; definitely a healthier option compared to the regular dessert. Vegetables are a healthy option too when cooked light, steamed or eaten raw.

You can prepare salads in such diversified and innovative ways that the novelty never dies and the versatility makes it an amazing experience to prepare as well as consume. If you are a foodie, you will certainly love to enjoy the various combinations that give more variety to your taste buds.

Eat salads that are natural and green          fruit and vegetable salads

We all know about the goodness of green vegetables and fruits. The greener they are the better for your health. Munch on salads with lettuce leafs and raw vegetables and of course you can’t forget to add celery, parsley and broccoli. You can also accompany them with a dressing or sauce if you don’t like them plain. This makes it yummy.

Base them on noodles or potatoes

You can also try to base this them on noodles, pasta or potatoes. If you want a little carbohydrates use potato salad; it’s the warm option. Garnishing them with nuts will make them all the more appetizing and healthy. In fact you will find a healthy addition of meats, fish and eggs in salads to make them more nutritious, filling and wholesome. A lot of salad preparations include chicken fillers which can be a healthy option to eat as a lunch.

Salads meet your nutritional requirements
Our appetite tends to lower in summer thanks to all the heat and the sweating; making it impertinent to meet our daily nutrition needs and what better way than salads to meet all the nutrition requirements with its incredible combination of grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables.

So all you food lovers out there; don’t forget to explore the versatility of salads this summer.

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