Why laughter is good for our health?

Did you read about Julie Whitehead, of Hinton Manor Lane setting up   regular laughter classes in the town. She is going to teach the concept of laughing yoga to people.
It is all about de-stressing and having fun. When we laugh cortisol goes down and the happy hormones – the endorphins – come up.
Laughter has been proved to have health benefits for people both old and young, do you know why ……here are some reasons.

• Laughter relaxes your complete body. After a good, hearty laugh all your physical tension and stress will get relieved, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes.
• Laughter boosts your immune system. Laughter can improve your resistance to diseases by decreasing your stress hormones and increasing immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies.
• Laughter triggers the release of endorphins. Your body’s natural feel-good chemicals called the endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being. Laughter triggers these hormones.
• Laughter is beneficial for your heart. It protects the heart by improving the function of blood vessels and improving blood flow to the heart.

Benefits of Laughter Benefits of Laughter
• Boosts immunity
• Relaxes your muscles
• Decreases pain
• Lowers stress hormones
• Prevents heart disease

• Improves mood
• Eases anxiety and fear
• Adds joy and zest to life
• Enhances resilience
• Relieves stress

• Attracts others to us
• Helps defuse conflict
• Strengthens relationships
• Enhances teamwork
• Promotes group bond

Did you read about Julie Whitehead, of Hinton Manor Lane setting up   regular laughter classes in the town. She is going to teach the concept of laughing yoga to people.
It is all about de-stressing and having fun. When we laugh cortisol goes down and the happy hormones – the endorphins – come up.
Laughter has been proved to have health benefits for people both old and young, do you know why ……here are some reasons

• Laughter relaxes your complete body. After a good, hearty laugh all your physical tension and stress will get relieved, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes.
• Laughter boosts your immune system. Laughter can improve your resistance to diseases by decreasing your stress hormones and increasing immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies.
• Laughter triggers the release of endorphins. Your body’s natural feel-good chemicals called the endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being. Laughter triggers these hormones.
• Laughter is beneficial for your heart. It protects the heart by improving the function of blood vessels and improving blood flow to the heart.
Benefits of Laughter
• Boosts immunity
• Relaxes your muscles
• Decreases pain
• Lowers stress hormones
• Prevents heart disease
• Improves mood
• Eases anxiety and fear
• Adds joy and zest to life
• Enhances resilience
• Relieves stress
• Attracts others to us
• Helps defuse conflict
• Strengthens relationships
• Enhances teamwork
• Promotes group bond

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