Cilacar T is a powerful drug, which is composed of two active components that work to control hypertension effectively. The Cilnidipine and Telmisartan active ingredients work synergistically to prevent fatal conditions due to hypertension, such as a stroke. Cilnidipine is a calcium channel blocker (CCB) that works to inhibit the calcium ions into the arteries, which is responsible for causing contraction of the blood vessels. Therefore, inhibiting the calcium channel works to dilate arteries. While; Telmisartan is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) that acts to relax chest muscles and helps to prevent chest tightness.
These are the common side effects of the Cilacar T pill, which vanishes after some time without causing any harm. Although, if these side effects stay for a prolonged period or if you observe any severe side effects, immediately take medical help. Remember not to avoid any severe side effects; ask for medical help immediately.
I have been using Cilacar T pills for a long time. I have experienced improved heart health while taking Cilacar T. I am happy with the results.