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ARKCODE is a secure and simple way to make payments for your order. ARKCODE represents a unique encrypted code that includes the transaction and identity details of the payer, without the presence of a debit/credit card or check. It can be self-generated through your smartphone, computer, tablet or any other similar device, which can be securely transmitted through text and email. An ARKCODE is valid for a certain period of time and the same ARKCODE it cannot be used more than once. Everything is contingent to the amount of funds that one can convert into ARKCODE’s.


step 01.Browse to and complete the online
application form.

step 02.Upon logging in, click on "My Profile" tab

step 03.Once there, click on "My 1st Process Money" for activation

step 04.Enter the desired amount to be converted into an ARKCODE

step 05.Click on Load/Fund and add funds using your credit/debit card or an e-check

step 06.Select and set the funding account that you want to use as a default for ARKCODE conversions

step 07.Wait for the approval of the funds for ARKCODE

step 08.Once approved, you may start using the ARKCODE service by clicking on the "Generate ARKCODE"

step 09.Within seconds, the ARKCODE will be transmitted via SMS to your mobile phone number

step 10.To pay, simply enter the ARKCODE in the merchant’s website and click "Submit" or "Pay"

step 11.Once done, the merchant is instantaneously PAID

Important Note: ARKCODES are time sensitive and will expire 10 minutes after their generation. After expiration, a replacement ARKCODE may be generated for further use.

Customers will not be charged for the use of the ARKCODE payment facility. The initial loading of funds to a customer’s wallet is FREE of Charge. Subsequent loads will be subject to a $5/load charge, regardless of the amount of funds added.


Hack proof/Phishing-Proof

  • ARKCODES are time sensitive and will expire 10 minutes after their generation. After expiration, a replacement ARKCODE may be generated for further use.

Very Simple Process

  • No phone verification required
  • No tedious process of typing out lengthy financial Information

Accessible through mobile device

  • Ease and versatility of use
  • Eliminates the hassle of carrying numerous credit and/or Debit cards

Exclusive/Proprietary Technology Unique Coding Algorithm

  • 100% foolproof identity protection

Real Time Approval

  • Quicker/More Expedient Transaction Approvals