The active constituent Sulbutiamine was discovered in Japan while developing useful thiamine derivatives with better bioavailability. It was first marketed by France in 1973 under the trade name Arcalion. It is a schedule H drug and belongs to a category of drugs called Antiasthenic drugs/Central stimulants. The molecular formula of Arcalion is C32H46N8O6S2 and the molecular weight is 702.89g/mol. Sulbutiamine is produced synthetically by binding two molecules of Vitamin B1 together. Vitamin B1 dissolves in water, while its synthetic form, Sulbutiamine dissolves in fats. Due to its fat solubility, it can cross the blood-brain barrier more easily as compared to other thiamine derivatives.
The mechanism of action of Arcalion is not fully understood. However, it is believed to have several effects on the brain. It increases thiamine levels in the brain. It increases the activity of glutamate and dopamine (D1) in the decision-making areas of the brain. It enhances concentration and boosts mood by altering the way glutamate acts on dopamine. It is also believed to improve the glutathione levels, which helps in reducing cell death in the brain. It improves memory function by increasing the activity inside the hippocampus (area in the brain which is involved in the formation of new memories). The peak effect of medicine can be seen within one to two hours post oral consumption.
Minor and major side effects observed by people taking Arcalion include
These side effects are mild and they do not last for a long duration. In case your symptoms worsen or continue for a long period, contact your healthcare provider. A serious side effect/effects are generally not observed by persons using it.
I was experiencing extreme tiredness for the last few days. My friend suggested me to take Arcalion. It is a dietary supplement; it is similar to thiamine Vitamin B1. I purchased it at a cheaper rate at Samrx. I got good results. It is an online pharmacy selling medicines approved by regulatory agencies such as FDA and WHO at discounted rates.